A Practice Nurse is available from 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday. An appointment system is operated.
Clinic times
Asthma, COPD, Diabetes and Cardiovascular clinic appointments are available most days.
Please call to arrange an appointment at one of our dedicated clinics which run most days, quoting the reference on your letter/text or email.
Some clinics require two appointments so that blood results etc can be available for the Nurse to discuss at your review. Please ask the receptionist for an appointment for pre LTC Review with the Healthcare Assistant then review at the relevant clinic with the Nurse.
We try to make our appointments as flexible as possible but if none are suitable please let the practice know and we will try and accommodate as best we can.
These reviews are important and your doctor may not be able to continue to prescribe some of your medicines if you do not attend your review. Many tablets for heart disease , diabetes and high blood pressure are dangerous if not monitored at least annually.
The service provided includes;-
- Wound care, dressings, suture removal for under 16s only
- New Patient Medicals – completed in our POD – Ask for details.
- Injections e.g. hormone, osteoporosis
- Cervical screening – well woman
- Hypertension
- Management of chronic (long term) illness such as heart disease , diabetes, asthma, COPD etc
We have many specialists Practice Nurses who are all part of our team, looking after patients with heart disease, diabetes, asthma and other long-term conditions. An appointment can be made with them directly via the reception staff. The reception staff may ask the nature of the appointment to ensure the correct amount of time is allocated for your appointment.
Health Care Assistant (includes phlebotomy service)
Health Care Assistant (HCA) service is available from 8.00am – 4:00pm Monday – Wednesday. This is for taking blood (in specific patient groups – most bloods now taken via the Community Treatment and Care Service 01382 496717), performing ECGs, testing samples, doing some blood pressure readings and giving basic lifestyle advice.
Clinics led by our Practice Nurses
Specialist nurses are Noranne, Zoe, Dawn and Fiona.
Please complete the Asthma Attack Risk Checker below. It only takes a few minutes and you will get a personal asthma report. Your report will show as either low, medium or high, followed with simple tips and advice. Please email your result (low, medium or high) and we will be in contact. If low risk, your asthma review will be updated for 12 months. Medium risk, a telephone review will be arranged and if high, a face to face appointment will be arranged. If you are medium or high risk and have not heard back regarding an appointment after 2 weeks of emailing, please call us on the usual number. If you have any concerns at all regarding your asthma please do not hesitate to call 01382 668189 at any time.
Specialist Nurses are Valerie, Zoe and Dawn
Well Woman
Specialist Nurses are Karen, Fiona, Leomi and Kaylee
Heart Disease
Specialist Nurses are Valerie, Karen, Zoe, Leomi, Dawn and Kaylee
Specialist Nurses are Fiona, Leomi, Dawn and Kaylee
COPD (Chronic lung disease)
Specialist nurse is Noranne and Dawn currently is in training
Other Clinics and Services
Immunisation clinics
All immunisations and vaccinations are no longer provided by your general practice. For all routine schedule UK immunisations, you will be invited to attend central clinics in the community e.g. flu, pneumonia, shingles (this does not include travel or childrens vaccinations). If you miss an appointment and require out of schedule NHS vaccines, please contact: 01382 423108 or email: [email protected]
Developmental Screenings
This clinic runs on a Friday from 9am. Appointments will be sent to you. The clinics are run jointly by a member of the Health Visiting Team and Dr Lowe and Dr Gallagher.
Drug Problem Counselling
Requests for appointments are arranged after referral by your General Practitioner.
Community Care and Treatment Service (CC&TS)
This service offers some services that were previously provided by the practice including:
- Wound care, dressings, suture removal for over 16s only
- Leg ulcer clinic
- Catheter clinic
- Phlebotomy (blood tests) – Thyroid checks
- Injections – Vitamin B12
- Ear syringing
- Blood pressure check if requested by GP or Practice Nurse
If you require any of the above services, please contact:
Dundee Community Care and Treatment Service 01382 496717