Maternity & Parenting
Childhood Illness Visual Guide
Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.
Obstetric Antenatal Clinics
The antenatal clinic is open from 8.30 to 17.00 Monday to Friday offering care for women who need some discussion or care from the medical team. If you have some additional risk factors in pregnancy you may attend this clinic more than the community midwife, for example if you have diabetes or other medical condition or if you are expecting twins. We also have specialist clinics for women who need to be seen by other specialty doctors such as anaesthetists and the genetics team.
01382 633861
Parent Club Scotland
Parenthood is an amazing job, but it’s not an easy one. There’s often lots of conflicting information out there. Doing the right thing for your wee ones can seem impossible sometimes. Parent Club is here to help by giving you information you can trust, all in one place.
Healthier Together
The Healthier Together programme relies upon patients and healthcare professionals working together to improve how local healthcare is delivered. The website provide advice for parents, young people and pregnant women, and clinical resources to support healthcare professionals – which means that your child is likely to receive consistently high-quality care, irrespective of which healthcare professional they see
Maternal Mental Health Scotland
Maternal Mental Health Scotland is a membership based Scottish Charity. Our members range through professionals working in the perinatal mental health field, women with a lived experience of perinatal mental health issues and others with an interest in our work. MMHS looks to improve the provision of perinatal mental health services throughout Scotland for women, their partners and families.
Baby Box
The Baby Box will help families prepare for the arrival of their baby and provide a safe and comfortable place for them to sleep. The box itself acts like a Moses basket as it comes complete with a mattress and bedding that fits perfectly.New babies need a surprising amount of stuff! Scotland’s Baby Box is packed full of clothes, bedding and lots of other useful things to help give your baby the best possible start in life.
CRY-SIS Helpline
In 1981 a small group of parents, who were experiencing problems with their crying and sleepless babies, set up a support group. They discovered how important support is and how reassuring it can be to talk to someone. Today that support group has become Cry-sis, the only UK charity offering help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems. From modest beginnings Cry-sis has become a well-respected national charity.
08451 228 669
Pregnancy and Baby Payment
The Pregnancy and Baby Payment is a cash payment for the parents, or carers, of a baby.It’s paid to help cover some of the costs of having children. These costs could be things like needing a pram or buying clothes for your baby but, because it’s a cash payment, you can choose how you need to spend the money.
Book your Midwife appointment online
Your first main appointment is your booking appointment (booking visit) with your midwife normally between 8 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you've just found out that you're pregnant, get the best start for you and your baby by making an appointment with a midwife. You can register for this on: more information on the process please see the website below
Ready Steady Baby!
Your guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks
The National Childbirth Trust
Their mission is to support parents through the first 1,000 days, to have the best possible experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.
0300 330 0700
BabyCentre® reaches more than 45 million mums globally each month in nine different languages, including eight in 10 new and expecting mums online in the UK.
Baby Buddy App
Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.